Our Distribution Network

Products are supplied on a daily basis to all the major cities and towns of the country. Remote areas are also supplied rhythmically to ensure timely availability of products to all customers. There is a large fleet of transport including refrigerator trucks for supplying temperature sensitive products to retail shops around the country. Cold chain system is employed to products which need strict temperature control. Storage of these products are also maintained using refrigerators with back up power supply to ensure maintenance of standardized environment.

Address of our distribution centers

Dhaka Sales & Distribution Office

Depot-In-Charge: Md. Abu Rashal Palash
40, Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sharani
Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208
Mobile: 01714-165707
Phone: 8891174-82, Fax: 8891183
E-mail: dhaka@inceptapharma.com
In-Charge: arpalash@inceptapharma.com

Dhaka South Depot

Depot-In-Charge: Md. Rafiqul Islam
Millenium City, West Ghatarchor,
Keranigonj, Dhaka-1312
Mobile : 01714165804
E-mail: dhakasouth@inceptapharma.com

Chattogram Depot

Depot-In-Charge: Md. Aktheruzzaman Khan
Shino Park, 1123, Ruby Gate,
(Near Nasirabad Govt. Girl’s School),
Nasirabad Industrial Area, Chattogram-4210
Mobile: 01714-165736
Phone: 031-2558371-2
E-mail: chittagong@inceptapharma.com
In-Charge: di.chittagong@inceptapharma.com

Chattogram South Depot

Depot In-Charge: Md. Zia Uddin
Sandy Hill Avenue
Road no-03,House No-5A/6
Zakir Hossain Society
South Khulshi, Chattogram
Mobile No.: 01321178686
E-mail :chittagongsouth@inceptapharma.com

Send Us Enquiry

    40 Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani
    Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208. Bangladesh
    (+88 02) 8891688 – 703
    (+88 02) 8891190

    Dewan Idris Road, Jirabo, Savar
    Dhaka. Bangladesh
    (+88 02) 224498130-7
    (+88 02) 7792507

    Krishnapura, Sahabelishor,
    Dhamrai, Dhaka,Bangladesh.